Reignite Your LoveĀ®

Take your relationship from constantly fighting to feeling like it's the beginning again.

You're having an extremely hard time communicating with your partner. You're both frustrated that your partner isn't hearing you & you're considering just giving up!

You're feeling like deep down you can't trust your partner for things they have done in the past.

You're feeling more like roommates than lovers who are just "doing the do" together.

You're so badly missing the days where things were just easy between you & don't know where to start to get those days back.
You're having a hard time expressing vulnerable emotions with your partner like anger & sadness because you don't feel emotionally safe.

Does this sound like your relationship?

We see you & we've been you.

Take your relationship from hanging on by a thread to feeling like it's the beginning of your relationship again.

You're not alone.

Frustrated couples just like you are finally saying, "Ok, let's get support" and experiencing their dream relationship.

Hear it from our couples themselves...

Want to be our next successful couple?

step 1: watch the free masterclass

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step 2: enroll

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step 3: see results

Experience what all our couples are raving about - their incredible results.

Follow these steps.

Our (WILD) love story...

We were always fighting...

But let's start from the beginning.

We met almost 4 years ago (on Instagram of all places!) and fell head over heels in love.

We bonded over the fact that we were both life coaches, both had a love for surfing and the ocean, and nerded out on all things spirituality.

What we didn't see coming was how turbulent our relationship would be after the honeymoon phase wore off.

We were lost, angry & confused because we knew we deeply loved each other...

But we had no idea how to stop getting in 3 hour arguments (yes, you read that number correctly!).

Surprisingly, in the beginning - we each chose option 2.

Yep, you read that right. We broke up. TWICE!

However we soon realized after doing so that we no longer had anything or anyone outside of ourselves to blame for our unhappiness.

And that's when our inner journeys truly began & our relationship began to THRIVE.

We were able to see that our partner was the greatest catalyst for our individual healing journeys.

And with the help of our coaches, we were able to create a love between us deeper than either of us ever imagined was possible.

We've learned that our partner is just a mirror of what's going on inside of us - the good stuff and the not so pretty stuff.

The teachings & lessons that we've learned have completely changed our lives and our relationship which is why we're so passionate about helping other couples achieve the same results.

If you're finally done trying to figure things out on your own (like we did for so long & in our case, things just got WAY worse)...

Then click that button below because you're exactly who we're looking for!

Then things got so bad that we were both put into a position where it was time to make a life-changing (and painful!) decision.

Option 1:

Face the mirror.

Face the things we had been hiding from our partner (and ourselves).

Face the painfully honest conversations we had been avoiding.

Face any part of our own shadow & learn to love the shadow within our partner.


Option 2:

Face the pain of a life without that person in it.

The Heart Healersā„¢ 2023

All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: It is important to note that Josh & Jaclyn use an extremely unconventional approach that is similar in its nature to marriage and/or relationship counseling but NOT to be confused with marriage counseling, marriage therapy, relationship counseling or relationship therapy.

They are life coaches who have both graduated multiple coach training programs, hold a combined total of 10,000+ hours of life coaching experience & have served over 1,000 coaching clients. They are not certified/licensed therapists, psychologists, counselors or mental health professionals.

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